International project Integration Through Education (ITE) is a response to the insufficient number of tools available for work with young people on migration and exile.
From October 2016 to May 2018, a coalition of partners from Poland, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain and Italy developed 35 workshop scenarios for teachers, educators and facilitators interested in migration issues to be used in their daily work. These scenarios are designed to work with migrants, host societies and mixed groups, mainly for young people, but also for adults and children. They address various aspects of migration such as diversity, history, empathy, hate speech, welcoming, media, human rights, citizenship, interculturalism, youth, religion, employment, gender.
The ITE scenarios have been inductively created based on practical and empirical knowledge of NGOs employees working in defense of human dignity across Europe. Nevertheless, our teaching position is based on socially critical and situated perspectives that allow us to believe that:
- ITE scenarios are not only ready-to-use tools but they can also enrich our day-to-day work,
- each trainer can act as a critical educator, making changes to strenghten awareness of global justice importance.
We encourage you to use the scenarios available on the project website
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Project co-financed by European Union through the Erasmus+ programme