The aim of the project “Entrepreneurship in rural tourism sector for youth with disabilities” (ERTSYD) is to disseminate information about possibility of conducting an economic activity by youth with disabilities living in rural areas and enhancing their social integration, as well as their self-esteem, which will ultimately lead to the improvement of their financial situation. Project is being implemented by six countries – three from the European Union (Latvia, Poland, Portugal) and three from the Eastern Partnership group (Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) – through international cooperation and series of planned activities, i.e. trainings and exchanges, which will build their own potential in the field of working with youth. Partners of the project collectively formulated a programme of organization development, which will be distributed among people working with youth in partnership countries, which will increase its social influence and visibility. Goals of the project embrace: organizing three international trainings for people working with youth and one youth exchange, by cooperating and integrating people with disabilities; formulating and publishing a handbook regarding hospitality and providing services for people with disabilities in rural tourism sector; establishing cooperation between the people involved in the project and sharing the knowledge with institutions that educate students in the field of rural tourism, but also with restaurants and facilities offering overnight accommodations; promotion and advocacy campaigns encouraging youth with disabilities to work in rural tourism sector.

Developed within the project interactive accommodation base map will be adjusted to needs of people with disabilities and used for spreading information about new forms of provided services. This innovative project is giving a chance to people belonging to socially marginalized groups to develop their own potential and possibilities. In the longer term, it will contribute to social changes and will be a valuable input in practical implementation of Convention On The Rights Of Persons with Disabilities, alongside goals of the UNO’s Year of Sustainable Tourism.


This project has been implemented with the financial support of European
Commission. Either project or paper is reflecting only the author’s viewpoint. European Commission is not responsible for its substantive content.