Cross border expert committe for strenghten V4 partnership
Between 17 and 19 December 2015, the IRSE took part in the final meeting of the project “Cross border expert committe for strenghten V4 partnership” in Balassagyarmat, north of Hungary. The project carried out by Ipoly-Táj Területkietalesztési Társulás from Hungary was aimed at getting to know the organizations and institutions invited by partner organizations to meetings that took place in Poland (Spytkowice), Slovakia (Velky Krtis) and Hungary (Balassagyarmat). As a result of these meetings, several dozen ideas for the implementation of projects within the V4 group emerged. As part of this project, in July 2015 a camp for children and youth from partner countries was also organized. Three associations from the Visegrad Group participated in the project. The associations from Slovakia (Regionálna rozvojová agnetúra pre rozvoj regiónu Stredného Poiplia) and Poland, represented by our Institute, were invited to the project. This project lasted from 2014 and during the partners’ meetings we have developed ideas that in the near future will result in closer cooperation between organizations from Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. On December 18, 2015 an agreement between the partners confirming the willingness to cooperate and obliging them to take active measures to achieve the intended goals of the project was signed.
The project “Cross border expert committe for strenghten V4 partnership” was financed by the Visegrad Fund.