Between 10-13 September 2015, IRSE took part in the opening meeting of the "East-West European
Network" project in Velky Krtis, south of Slovakia. The project implemented by Regionálna rozvojová
agnetúra pre rozvoj regiónu Stredného Poiplia from Slovakia aimed to create a European network of
organizations and local governments to cooperate, exchange good practices and understand better
cultural differences. Ten organizations from nine European Union countries participated in the project.
Two organizations from Hungary (including Ipoly-Táj Területkietalesztési Társulás), organizations from
Austria, Romania, Italy (Associazione III Millennio), Spain (Ayuntamiento de La Palma Del Condado),
Croatia (Razvojna agencija Grada Slavonskog Broda), Czech Republic (Obec Vlachova Lhota) and
Poland, represented by our Institute, were invited to take part. This project lasted until mid-2017 and
during the meetings we discussed topics related to volunteering and the challenges that the European
organizations were facing.
The project EWEN was co-financed with support from the Europe for Citizens program