The use of Eco-Tourism opportunities nature reserve “KIAROVSKÝ MOČIAR” – A feasibility study

In December 2015, the IRSE took part in the final meeting of “The use of Eco-Tourism opportunities nature reserve“ KIAROVSKÝ MOČIAR “- A feasibility study” project in Velky Krtis, south of Slovakia. The project carried out by Regionálna rozvojová agnetúra pre rozvoj regiónu Stredného Poiplia from Slovakia was aimed at exchanging experiences within the Visegrad Group on solutions promoting ecological tourist facilities in order to implement good practices in newly created protected areas in the south of Slovakia. The project involved four organizations from the Visegrad Group. Organizations from Hungary (Ipoly-Táj Területkietalesztési Társulás), the Czech Republic (Obec Vlachova Lhota) and Poland, represented by our Institute, were invited to participate in the project. This project lasted from 2014 and as part of meetings we visited ecological tourist attractions in the vicinity of Balassagyarmat, Vlachova Lhota and Spytkowice.

The project “The use of Eco-Tourism opportunities nature reserve” KIAROVSKÝ MOČIAR “- A feasibility study” was financed by the Visegrad Fund.